11419 Sunset Hills Road
Reston, VA 20190


Our professional staff delivers the highest level of consulting services to the academic research community, bringing a diverse team of experts with a broad array of experience across a universe of professions, including former higher education research directors and administrators, cost allocation specialists, facilities and administrative rate experts and technology consultants.

Competitors of MAXIMUS Inc

Joseph J. Blake & Associates, Inc. (JJB) is a national real estate appraisal and consulting firm with offices located throughout the United States which provides real estate appraisals of all types of educational faclities, including elementary, middle and high schools, religion-based schools,... Read More

Schooley Mitchell

Schooley Mitchell is the largest independent and most respected (1) TELECOMMUNICATIONS (internet, phones, VoIP, wireless, GPS, eLog, PBX, etc.), (2) MERCHANT CARD SERVICES (credit card, gateway, processors, etc.), AND (3) SMALL-PACKAGE SHIPPING (less than 150 lbs.) & COURIER SERVICES-... Read More