Steril-Aire is the global leader in high-output ultraviolet germicidal solutions for improved indoor air quality and energy efficiency. Installed in new or existing HVAC systems, Steril-Aire’s UVC Emitter® germicidal lamps keep HVAC coils and drain pans clean, reducing energy consumption and...
e3 Occupational Health Solutions is the only national, full-service equipment distributor that can help you manage your industrial and occupational health needs through a single point of contact. Through our network of local offices, we make it possible to consistently execute your program...
Test Instruments: Without the proper tools a job does not get done. This is especially true when it comes to the instruments used to test indoor air quality, combustion efficiency and the proper operation of our controls and control systems.
Learn more about Test Instruments
Kanomax provides products and services that adapt precision measurement technology for fluids and particles.
Air Purifying Systems, Inc. manufactures environmentally safe products for air. These chemical-free alternatives eliminate toxins while protecting and preserving our natural resources. Air Purifying Systems, Inc. also manufactures commercial / industrial activated oxygen generators, commercial...