117 Wrangler
Coppell, TX 75019


Our line of sit-stand desks and active office products continues to grow, and our customers now span the globe. We’re passionate about helping people get more done and feel better doing it.

Competitors of VARIDESK

Steelcase Inc.

Many of today’s panel-based workstations don’t provide enough boundary and separation between people. We offer ideas for how to use office paneling to retrofit existing spaces now to address immediate office social distancing & safety needs, as well as reconfigure them in the near term. Read More

High quality, durable furniture designed to meet the changing needs of K-12 learning environments. Flexible, mobile, configurable student desks and tables. A variety of seating options (chairs, soft seating, rockers, stools) focused on student comfort and engagement. Read More

AVFI - Audio Visual Furniture International Inc. (formerly VFI) is a leader in innovative furniture products for the a/v, video conference and distant learning industries. Our products include a variety of collaboration and VC tables, lecterns, podiums, multimedia carts, classroom media carts,... Read More