Claridge Products

601 Highway 62-65 South, P.O. Box 910
Harrison, AR 72602

About Claridge Products

Since 1947, Claridge has grown from a one-man operation started in a renovated cheese factory into one of the world’s largest and most respected woman-owned makers of U.S. made visual display solutions. We were instrumental in guiding and influencing the collaborative process long before many of our competitors opened their doors. Today, some 70 years later, we have the privilege of serving and supporting a wide range of customers in specialties ranging from architectural design and construction, to business, K-12 education, healthcare, higher education, and more.

Competitors of Claridge Products

SMART Technologies

SMART Technologies Inc. (NASDAQ: SMT, TSX: SMA) is a world leader in simple and intuitive solutions that enable more natural collaboration. We are an innovator in interactive touch technologies and software that inspire collaboration in both education and businesses around the globe. To learn... Read More

AVFI - Audio Visual Furniture International Inc. (formerly VFI) is a leader in innovative furniture products for the a/v, video conference and distant learning industries. Our products include a variety of collaboration and VC tables, lecterns, podiums, multimedia carts, classroom media carts,... Read More

A leading manufacturer of high quality technology and media furniture that supports how people work and learn. Read More