
40 Citation Lane
Lititz, PA 17543

About IDenticard

IDenticard is a market leader in personal identification, access control and consumable identification badges. Known as an innovator in security card technology, its products include identification card systems that combine biometrics, digital imaging and other technologies to positively identify people and prevent identification card counterfeiting; and access control systems that restrict entry into buildings using multiple card-reader technologies. IDenticard offers a wide range of choices in custom-printed security ID cards that include special applications designed to protect against unauthorized alteration or copying.

Competitors of IDenticard

DoorKing, Inc.

DoorKing, Inc. (we are also known as “DKS”) was established in 1948 and is one of the country's leading manufacturers of cloud based video entry systems, vehicular gate operators, parking control products, access control systems and vehicle mitigation (crash) barriers in the United... Read More

Cleaning Cards, exclusively manufactured by Advanced Card Technologies Inc, are innovative and cost effective cleaning card systems for all types of Card Readers, ID Card & Thermal Printers and Bill (Currency) Acceptors. Read More


Identiv, Inc. (Nasdaq:INVE) is the leading player in physical security and secure identification. The company's products, software, systems and services address the markets for physical and logical access control and a wide range of RFID-enabled applications for customers in the government,... Read More