Allseating Corporation

5800 Avebury Road, Unit 2
Mississauga, ON L5R 3M3

Competitors of Allseating Corporation


Versteel is a vertically integrated furniture manufacturing company with nearly 60 years of industry experience. Versteel manufactures a comprehensive offering of seating, tables and ancillary products for healthcare, education and corporate spaces. Read More

High quality, durable furniture designed to meet the changing needs of K-12 learning environments. Flexible, mobile, configurable student desks and tables. A variety of seating options (chairs, soft seating, rockers, stools) focused on student comfort and engagement. Read More

AVFI - Audio Visual Furniture International Inc. (formerly VFI) is a leader in innovative furniture products for the a/v, video conference and distant learning industries. Our products include a variety of collaboration and VC tables, lecterns, podiums, multimedia carts, classroom media carts,... Read More