Jaffe Holden Acoustics, Inc.

114a Washington Street
Norwalk, CT 06854

About Jaffe Holden Acoustics, Inc.

Whether it is a performing arts center, museum, commercial space, house of worship, or academic learning environment, our firm’s work typically begins with the preparation of an acoustic design concept that evolves with input from the design team and our client. Our expertise continues through construction to the opening of the project, and often beyond, to ensure that the acoustic quality best fits the needs of the facility.

Competitors of Jaffe Holden Acoustics, Inc.

Perdue Acoustics is a manufacturing company that manufactures, sells, and installs cutting edge acoustic panels, battles, diffusers and other products for sound abatement and control of echo and reverberation in facilities all over the country, located in Amarillo, Texas. Our products are... Read More

Acoustics First

Acoustics First designs, manufactures, distributes and sells acoustical panels and soundproofing materials to control sound and eliminate noise. These sound and noise control products include sound absorbers, diffusers, noise barriers, and vibration control devices from people who have been... Read More

Acoustiblok, Inc.

More than ever before we are experiencing noise disturbances in our work and personal lives. Diminishing privacy and noise pollution can affect peace of mind, increase tension levels, interfere with communication between people, and jeopardize safety in the workplace. Acoustiblok Soundproofing... Read More